
HPLC Autosamplers

Make Model Description Image Price
Gilson 231 XL Autosampler Autosampler, keypad & dilutor with 100 vial rack. FDD method storage. Gilson 231 XL £950
Hewlett Packard 1050 autosampler 21 vial autosampler with the option of adding a 100 vial rack. HP1050 Autosampler £1500
Shimadzu SIL10AXL XYZ programmable, random access, sample pretreatment (dilution, extraction, pretreatment), 0.1-100ul variable loop injection with no loss of sample, fibre optic communication. Shimadzu SIL10AXL SOLD
TSP AS3000 120 vial variable volume autosampler. Built in column oven. AS3000 £1500
TSP AS300 120 vial variable volume autosampler. £1250
Waters 717+ 48 position Autosampler. Can store upto 96 methods. Waters 717 plus Autosampler £1800

Budget Range

Gilson231 autosamplerAutosampler, keypad & dilutor with 100 vial rack.£750
Gilson232 bio autosamplerAutosampler, keypad & dilutor with capacity of 4x 100 vial racks.£1200
Merck HitachiAS2000Autosampler£700

Our Address

2 Winchester Drive
South West Ind. Estate

Tel: 0191 586 1999
Fax: 0191 586 1999