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Chromatography Software
DataApex Clarity
We are an authorized distributor of DataApex Clarity. We deal direct with the manufacturer therefore can offer you full technical support as well as a competitive price.
Clarity is a high performance advanced chromatography station for use in all 32 bit Windows operating systems.
It can be used to acquire data from all chromatographic instruments with analogue output. It can also control a wide number of instruments including HP5890, Aglient 6890 and Shimadzu GC17A.
Please see our Clarity Pages for full details.
Other Software
Shimadzu Class VP version 4 with PC I/O card £750
HP/Agilent GC Chemstation licences.
Our Address
2 Winchester Drive
South West Ind. Estate
Tel: 0191 586 1999
Fax: 0191 586 1999